Your website is probably the first place potential customers will look to find out what sort of company you are. It needs to be dynamic, fresh and to reflect your brand values.
Modern websites have attractive, easy-to-use pages, are built on a solid technical foundation and often include standard features such as a CMS (Content Management System). Increasingly, web users demand the performance, functionality and up-to-date content that can only be offered by a website built on good architecture.
We believe that to develop a top quality website you need to ensure that your project team is strong in three key areas:
Visual design
The look and feel of your website will influence not only how a visitor feels about your professionalism and your brand, but also their sense of security in using your website. Every website, even if it just provides functional services, needs to inspire confidence through sound visual design.
When visitors arrive at your website you have only a limited amount of time to convince them that they have come to the right place. They must see that the website is relevant to them and be able to achieve their goals as quickly as possible. Websites that have been designed with users’ goals in mind are easy to use and provide a great user experience.
Technical design and programming
For any website that involves programming and databases, a solid technical design, implemented by programmers who know what they are doing, ensures that your website is robust, scalable and easy to maintain. This could save you a fortune during the inital development and will minimise ongoing maintenance and enhancement costs.